The program aims to support innovation to drive scale and diversity in Australia’s solar photovoltaic (PV) manufacturing industry.

The Australian Government has a new economic plan called a Future Made in Australia
A Future Made in Australia plan will support Australia’s transition to a net zero economy. By investing now, we are building the foundations for a better future for Australia.
The plan focuses on attracting investment to make Australia a leader in renewable energy, adding value to our natural resources and strengthening economic security. It will allow Australia to produce more things here, using natural resources to build competitive new industries, in turn creating more jobs and opportunities across the country.
Through this plan, $22.7 billion will be invested in key areas, including:
- Skills and training to build Australia’s future workforce.
- Renewable energy.
- Supporting investment in Australia.
- Utilising natural resources and critical minerals.
- Industrial innovation and technology.
Making things have always been part of us.
Now it’s time to build a future made in Australia.
We’ll create a stronger economy, by making more things in our big backyard.
We’re investing in you to learn new skills,
And in manufacturing and technology to create well-paid jobs.
We’ll make more of Australia’s natural advantages.
Turning critical minerals into cleaner energy and batteries.
And create a more secure future for everyone.
That’s a Future Made in Australia.
Authorised by the Australia Government, Canberra
Why Australia needs a Future Made in Australia
Clean energy industries are shaping the future of the global economy. With Australia’s wealth of natural resources, critical minerals, and skilled workforce, our country is well positioned to become an important part of the global net zero economy.
Key investments under a Future Made in Australia plan will make sure the community benefits from these new economic opportunities by:
- Creating safe, secure, and well-paying jobs with good conditions.
- Developing a skilled and inclusive workforce.
- Working together with local communities, including those affected by the transition to net zero, to achieve positive outcomes.
- Supporting First Nations communities and traditional owners to benefit from the net zero transition.
- Strengthening domestic industrial capabilities, including enhancing local supply chains.
- Ensuring transparency and compliance with Australia’s tax system.
How we're creating a Future Made in Australia
We will support skills, training, and education to create sustainable jobs in different sectors. This will lead to meaningful employment, opportunities for reskilling and economic growth.
Examples of initiatives and programs:
Building Women's Careers Program
We will focus on transitioning to renewable energy to create a healthier environment, and secure future job and investment opportunities.
We will make it easier to invest in Australia and attract more money from both global and local resources, to help boost economic development and create jobs, especially in renewable industries.
Examples of initiatives and programs:
We will strengthen and diversify our supply chains by supporting investment in critical mineral projects, to help grow our local communities and provide affordable clean energy.
Examples of initiatives and programs:
We will invest in modern science, innovation, and technology to stay globally competitive, allowing Australia to remain resilient and adaptable to future challenges.
Examples of initiatives and programs:
The Plan — How will
Future Made in Australia impact me?
A Future Made in Australia plan is funding various initiatives and programs.
To find out what’s available and information that’s relevant to you, select the appropriate attributes below.
You can also see when initiatives and programs are being funded by selecting the timeline button below.
Note: Initiatives will appear across years according to where funding has been committed. All initiatives and programs listed were last updated on 16 November 2024.
Building Women’s Careers Program
Supporting partnership projects to drive systemic structural and cultural change in training and work environments.
Visit the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations’ Building Women’s Careers Program.
New Energy Apprenticeships Program
Providing incentives and industry-based mentoring to support apprentices taking up an apprenticeship in the clean energy sector.
Visit the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations’ New Energy Apprenticeships Program.
Fee-free TAFE places
Fee-Free TAFE is a joint initiative of the Australian, State and Territory governments, providing tuition-free courses to students wanting to train, retrain or upskill.
Visit Your Careers
Diversity in STEM
Funding for programs to promote diversity in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education and industries.
Visit the Department of Industry, Science and Resources’ Diversity in STEM.
Workforce Transition
Providing workforce transition support for workers and communities affected by the net zero transition.
Visit the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations’ Supporting workers, families and communities.
Energy Industry Jobs Plan
Helping workers affected by the closure of coal and gas-fired power stations find new employment. Providing support for job and skills matching and offering onboarding and early retirement incentives to employers.
Visit the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations’ Supporting workers, families and communities.
Net Zero Economy Authority
Improving coordination of policies and government services, attracting investment that create jobs in relevant sectors, and support workers affected by the shift to net zero emissions.
Visit the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet’s Net Zero Economy Authority
Clean Energy Workforce Vocational Education
Training a new energy workforce to transition to Net Zero.
Visit the Minister for Skills and Training's media release on Skilling the Clean Energy Workforce.
National Hydrogen Technology Skills Training Centre
Promoting hydrogen workforce development and supporting the skilled workforce needs of the growing domestic hydrogen industry.
Visit the Minister for Skills and Training's media release on Investing in skills and training to support a Future Made in Australia.
Resourcing Australia's Prosperity
Accelerating the discovery of critical minerals and other resources to support Australia’s net zero transition and enable responsible management of Australia’s natural resources.
Visit Geoscience Australia’s Resourcing Australia’s Prosperity.
Hydrogen Headstart
Aiming to increase the number of large-scale renewable hydrogen projects in Australia by bridging the economic gap for industry participants, administered by ARENA.
Visit the Australian Renewable Energy Agency’s Hydrogen Headstart
National Hydrogen Strategy
Representing a comprehensive formal review and update of the 2019 National Hydrogen Strategy, which focusses on accelerating clean hydrogen industry growth.
Visit the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water’s Australian’s National Hydrogen Strategy.
Green Metals Foundational Initiatives
Expediting the emergence of Australia’s green metals industry.
Visit the Department of Industry, Science and Resources’ Green metals.
National priority list of renewable energy projects and support for environmental assessments
Developing, agreeing and maintaining a national priority list of renewable energy and related projects; and increasing regulatory capacity to support accelerated Commonwealth environmental assessments for up to 20 of these listed projects at any given time.
Visit the Minister for the Environment and Water’s media release on Advancing a Nature Positive Australia.
Solar Sunshot Program
Supporting innovative solar PV manufacturing facilities in Australia across the solar supply chain.
Visit the Australian Renewable Energy Agency’s Solar Sunshot
Critical Actions Supporting Cultural Heritage Reform
Working to reduce the backlog, supporting administration of complex cultural heritage applications and progress the reform of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984.
Visit the National Indigenous Australians Agency’s Budget 2024-25: Delivering better outcomes for First Nations people fact sheet.
Low Carbon Liquid Fuels
Identifying options for, and design of, production incentives and other demand side measures to support a domestic low carbon liquid fuels (LCLF) industry, as part of a Future Made in Australia; building on the expansion of the Guarantee of Origin Scheme; and the Future Made in Australia Innovation Fund.
Visit the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government’s media release on Investment to deliver a future made in Australia.
Initial Phase Guarantee of Origin Scheme for Green Hydrogen and Green Metals
Fast tracking implementation of the Guarantee of Origin for hydrogen and progressing the development of green metals certification, including iron, steel and aluminium.
Visit the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water’s Guarantee of Origin scheme.
Governance and Regulatory Reform for Social Licence
Providing additional resources to boost the capability of the Australian Energy Infrastructure Commissioner, setting up a voluntary national developer scheme and ensure support for regional communities affected by the changes in energy generation.
Visit the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water’s Community Engagement Review.
Hydrogen Production Tax Incentive
Accelerating the growth of Australia’s hydrogen industry by expediting project development, making renewable hydrogen available sooner, and building scale to reduce production costs over time.
NOTE: Subject to passage of legislation.
Visit the Treasury’s consultation on Hydrogen Production Tax Incentive.
Future Made in Australia Innovation Fund
Supporting innovation, commercialisation, pilot and demonstration projects and early-stage development in priority sectors such as green metals, renewable hydrogen, low carbon liquid fuels and renewable energy technology manufacturing such as batteries. The fund will be administered by ARENA.
Visit the Federal Budget’s Budget Paper No. 2.
Australian Renewable Energy Agency
Supporting investment and innovation in renewables and clean energy technologies to achieve net zero, The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) is responsible for providing grants and and delivering key Government programs, including several under the Future Made in Australia agenda.
Visit the Australian Renewable Energy Agency’s Record funding for ARENA to supercharge Australia’s net zero transition.
Strengthened Renewable Industry Environmental Approvals
Strengthening environmental assessments and approvals for renewable energy, transmission and critical minerals projects, delivering additional regional plans and undertaking targeted science to improve the environmental data used in decision making.
Visit the Minister for the Environment and Water media releases on Advancing a Nature Positive Australia.
Battery Breakthrough Initiative
Promoting the development of battery manufacturing capabilities through grants and production incentives to improve supply chain resilience in Australia and support emissions reduction.
Visit the Australian Renewable Energy Agency’s Battery Breakthrough Initiative.
Australian Made Battery Precinct
Driving battery manufacturing in Australia through the Australian Made Battery Manufacturing Precinct.
Visit the Department of Industry, Science and Resources’ Priority 1: Manufacturing.
Critical Minerals National Productivity Initiative
Progressing feasibility studies for common user mineral processing facilities.
Visit the Department of Industry, Science and Resources’ Investments to capitalise on Australia’s critical minerals and the global clean energy transition.
Green Polysilicon
Exploring solar value chain opportunities that could be generated from developing a green polysilicon industry in Australia, including through export and cooperative international opportunities.
Visit the Federal Budget’s Budget Paper No. 2.
Critical Minerals Production Tax Incentive
Providing a refundable tax incentive of 10 per cent of relevant processing and refining costs for Australia’s 31 critical minerals.
NOTE: Subject to passage of legislation.
Visit the Treasury’s consultation on Critical minerals production tax incentive.
Independent statutory review of the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility Act 2016
Advising on longer term opportunities for the NAIF to continue to deliver economic outcomes for northern Australia.
Visit the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts’ 2024 Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility Act Review.
Future Made in Australia — Front Door
Establishing a 'front door' to support the development of major investment proposal projects aligned to Australia’s national interest and the Future Made in Australia agenda.
Visit the Treasury’s Future Made in Australia.
Trade Partnerships to support Future Made in Australia
Improving the competitiveness of the Australian economy by working with trade partners to support global rules to address unfair competition caused by market-distorting industrial policies and to negotiate benchmarks for trade in high quality critical minerals.
Visit the Federal Budget’s Budget Paper No. 2.
Foreign Investment — Additional Resourcing
Strengthening and streamlining Australia’s foreign investment framework, including to ensure faster processing for low-risk investment applications and appropriate scrutiny of high-risk investment applications.
Visit the Federal Budget’s Budget Paper No. 2.
Domestic National Interest Account
Encourage and facilitate the private sector investment needed to enable Australia to harness new opportunities in the global energy transition and build a stronger, more resilient economy.
Visit the Federal Budget’s Budget Paper No. 2.
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